Full Moon in Gemini: December 2021
Each year, we get a full moon in Gemini during the Sagittarius, December season. When you learn Astrology, you understand that a full moon occurs when the Moon is on one side of the earth and the Sun on the complete opposite side. In December, the Sun is journeying through the sign of Sagittarius. In our last blog post we learned that Sagittarius is about learning the wisdom and meaning of life. In this month, we are reviewing the full scope of what this past year meant to us, what wisdom we have gained.
During a Gemini Full Moon, the moon is journeying through the opposite sign of Gemini. On this one night the full face of the moon catches the full light of the Sun. This month the Gemini Full moon is catching the full fiery light of Sagittarius. All of the Sagittarius traits (good and bad) are on display through the mirror of the moon. That mirror asks us to witness where the extremes may be, where things are too skewed one way. That way we can perhaps address them. The moon represents our emotions and subconscious and when we feel something is wrong, we sense it. Something signals our spidey-senses, our intuition, our sixth sense, the hairs on the back of our neck. Unfortunately, we tend to ignore those little messages. So, we have the full moon to come along and emphasizes those signals. The full moon exaggerates those emotions to an undeniable degree. And then we have no choice but to deal with it.
Truth and Righteousness
The emotional undercurrent that Gemini can bring out of Sagittarius is one of truth and righteousness. Gemini wants to collect all the facts about a situation. They ask “what’s going on at this place, at this time, with this opinion.” Sagittarius looks at the wider picture: they ask the “why” was something happening at all, what was the belief behind the opinion and what is the larger meaning of it all? What is the moral of the story? But sometimes when we try and come up with a moral, we can put unnecessary emphasis on how much it aligns with our personal belief system. We get too caught up in how much it really means or inflate it bigger than it really is. And a Gemini Full moon might show us where we applying too much of our own meaning. What are we inflating that really just has too much hot air?
Another manifestation of this alignment is the intake of information and the internal processing that happens with it. The moon is trying to show us the subtle, habitual ways in which we gather intelligence. Do we sniff out the same type of information all the time? Where do we think we are continually right about a subject? We formulate subtle opinions and judgements that eventually allow us to quickly move on in life. But that confirmed “yes, that’s right” can sometimes hinder our ability to make room for any other perspectives. It can limit our understanding and make us become righteous when we have only gathered one side of information, when we have only stayed on one side of the coin.
This full moon wants us to balance out that sometimes righteous Sagittarius and do some more gathering. Take in more information, even if it doesn’t seem like it will apply to the situation. There is a heightened emotional need to lighten the load from being too dogmatic. Sagittarius can feel more balanced when it takes into account the way of the Gemini. And if the Sagittarius goes on too long without bringing in the innocence, flexibility and curiosity of Gemini, then a full moon will make it dramatically apparent.
Ask Yourself this Full Moon:
At what point can you allow for the gathering of new information? Are you open to new perspectives? What belief system can you revisit and bring more innocence into?
Written By: Kristina Martin @ Los Angeles Astrology School