Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

As we end the year, we always get an interesting moment of reflection. Not just in the seasonal change of temperature (although that also reflects a need to go more inward and become quieter and more contemplative) but also in the evolution of the zodiac.  After leaving the hot August summer and Leo’s expressive qualities, we travel into September’s Virgo and harvest that which we have grown. In October’s Libra we recognize the relationships we’ll need for winter. Then, we journey inward, as November’s Scorpio shows us what we need to cull out the debris left behind in a long year. And then we hit December’s Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is a new starting point. Through the previous sign, Scorpio, we must work through intense pressure on very deep level. Scorpio and the energy of November forces us to face the fear and looming dark shadow of winter. The threat of survival is very real and up close. Scorpio must face and confront fear and then ultimately let it go. This is the triumph and indeed, the evolution of Scorpio. Now we can move on with a lighter spirit, feeling stronger and more confidant having faced the dark.  After all that pain and suffering, Sagittarius wants to find the universal laws and truths in which to both avoid and also relieve others of that heaviness. That is why Sagittarius is so concerned and connected to Truth.

Sagittarius Asks:

What are our own personal truths? And further, what belief systems have we developed or followed because of that? Where is there meaning in our own lives? Where are we creating freedom in order to be open to a new perspective?


  By exploring the outside world and learning about the many varieties of human experience, we can gain a better understanding of own selves. We learn we are not alone, nor are we the first ones to face life’s obstacles. Wisdom is a key word for Sagittarius. And indeed, the definition explains it all:


Wis·dom /wizdem/: The quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgement.


Once we have gone through an experience, we inherently understand a small truth on how it works and can make a more informed judgment when it happens again. With that small truth, we have less fear, that experience is known and we feel more confident to handle the problem differently next time. That confidence not only aides in building our identity but also lets us help and inform others who might be going through the same thing. And in that we find connection and joy.



One of the many gifts of Sagittarius is that of Optimism.  They understand that tides change, and nothing is bad forever.  They know there is survival and life on the other side of a tough time.  By traveling out into the world, they come into contact with different people going through the same thing and end up gaining a new perspective.  A jovial optimism sets in. These people made it through, why can’t I?


This Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius brings this story up close to our personal sphere:

·        What hard times have we gone through?

·        What was the larger meaning?

·        How are we better from that?


Now is the time to recognize the wisdom we have gained. Now is the time to examine if those truths still hold evident.   

Next broaden your horizon:

·        What hard times have our friends, families, coworkers and neighbors gone through?

·        What can their stories teach us about life?

·        Do we have a faith?

This Eclipse is about examining your personal connection to life’s truths, and coming in contact with new truths as our awareness and experience expands!


When we learn astrology, we learn that each one of us is a unified truth of our chart. We are an expression of the truth of our birth; the experience of being us! This total eclipse of the Sun a time to be thankful for what you have gone through. For if nothing else, you have made it to the other side and become wiser!


Full Moon in Gemini: December 2021


Learning the Elements and Astrology