Learning the Elements and Astrology

Image of the Four Seasons | Los Angeles Astrology School

Typically, we think of Astrology as the study of interpreting the stars and planets. People have been learning astrology and teaching the symbology of the planets for thousands of years. But we cannot forget, our surroundings in nature have always been a formidable source of wisdom in the lives of humans as well. So, in addition to the planets, astrologers have also worked with the elemental quality of nature. We have found that the symbolic meaning of the elements are just as great as the planets.

The elements give us another interpretive tool to map out our astrological charts and lives. There are 4 elements that make up all 12 signs of astrological influence. These elements are Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Each element has 3 astrology signs that reflect that element and its highest potential. In astrology school, we learn the basics, like the elements, as a way of creating a strong foundation for our studies.

The Fire Signs

The fire signs include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. This is the function of the heart. These signs are known for their dynamism, creativity, passion and identity-work. When we think of the element of fire, we know it to produce a lot of heat. Fire is constantly active and burning. Like it’s element, these fire signs are constantly involved in action. The fire signs are independent and natural born leaders, as sitting around does not come easy. They are ambitious, enterprising, and competitive, always looking to start something new. Although they can get impulsive and too self-centered, generally these signs are great mentors and motivators.

The Earth Signs

The earth signs include Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. This is the function of the body. These signs are known for their realism, practicality, grounding and responsibility. When we think of the element of earth, we know it is physical, something we stand on. Earth is the foundation for both 80-foot-tall trees and 100 story tall buildings. Earth signs understand that having solidity in life is key to success. They know that it takes dedication, perseverance and a keen sense of one’s own limits to be able to conquer any task. From cleaning the kitchen to climbing to the top of a mountain. At times, they can get too caught up in pragmatism and become unmovable. But they show us how to be proactive in making our dreams a reality.

The Air Signs

The air signs include Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. This is the functioning of the mind. These signs are known for the intellect, their objectivity and their desire to share and socialize. When we think of the element of Air, we think of ever-changing winds that travel across deserts and through forests. Like its element in nature, air signs gravitate towards the exchange. To pick up a seed (or an idea) and take it somewhere else. Air signs function best when they can communicate. When a fresh gust of wind wafts through the house, a lightness ensues. And similarly, when a new thought, opinion or perception is encountered a lightness arises for the air signs. They can be scattered or unfeeling but these signs teach us that our minds are powerful.

The Water Signs

The water signs include Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. This is the function of the feelings and emotions. These signs are known to be sensitive, intuitive, compassionate and natural born healers. Like the element of water, these signs have the ability to dissolve, immerse and connect. They connect their emotions to yours, providing the classic empathy and compassion they are so famous for. Water signs are sensitive to nuance. And this sensitivity lets them immerse themselves in the sensation of feelings. Standing in the shower, floating in a lake or swimming in the ocean all mimic the different immersive experiences that the water signs embody. Although they can be moody and escapist, these signs show us what it feels like to have true affection and emotional expression.

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