Jupiter Moves Into Pisces

Each year Jupiter moves briefly retrograde and then into a new zodiacal sign. This year Jupiter officially moves out of Aquarius and firmly into Pisces. But in 2021, Jupiter was briefly in Pisces. So, we all got a little taste of what Jupiter in Pisces was like. Let’s take a look at what occurred during that time as this will give us clues for what’s to come.

On May 14th , 2021 Jupiter made it’s first entrance into Pisces. Prior to that point, Jupiter had been in Aquarius and we had been experiencing a boom in connectivity through technology. Jupiter amplifies whatever it touches and with Aquarius ruling the collective group, future realities and technology, it’s no wonder we all went online. Jupiter in this sign had expanded our collective need for connection. During it’s time in Aquarius, Jupiter showed us we can use technology to stay in touch. Those relatives or friends you only saw when you booked an expensive flight are now a scheduled zoom call away! The restrictions of time and space faded, and collectively we found we have more freedom than we thought in terms of our ability to socialize.

On May 13th, 2021 (1 day prior to Jupiter entering Pisces) the Center for Disease Control shifted its stance on the need to wear masks for vaccinated people. Our unconscious desires to return to comfort (Pisces) got a dose of hope (Jupiter). This event actually describes many facets of Jupiter in Pisces. If we pull it apart, we can see the real meaning of this energy and how it works:

The Removal of Limitations

Wearing a mask over our faces creates a boundary. The physical presence of a mask blocks viruses and bacteria from coming into contact with our mouths and noses. Although extremely helpful and effective, the collective need for impulsive freedom reigned. As a group, we subconsciously yearned to be unencumbered. And we always have. In the 60’s we fought against seatbelts. They were seen as a physical obstacle getting in the way of maneuvering a car freely and smoothly. For most of us, being stopped, constrained and controlled are not good feelings. When Jupiter enters Pisces, the collective subconscious can become a reality. Again, because of Jupiter’s trademark amplification, our need to be unhindered is strengthened.

The Reveal of Unity and Faith

The act of removal generally reveals something underneath. Typically, the word “reveal” is reserved for Scorpio, but each water sign is actually in tune with the unseen realms of feelings and emotions. The 6th sense feeling, the vague belief, the sensitivity that there is more than meets the eye, that there is something underneath. Taking off our masks revealed our faces. After encountering only eyes and foreheads we got to see smiles again. We got to see expressions more clearly. We got to see the whole picture once more. Pisces is about wholeness and connection. Taking off our masks made us feel and see others in their entirety. It gave us more cohesiveness; it gave us a feeling that we are all still in this together. And again, Jupiter helped elaborate and strengthen that faith.

The Blurring of Reality

Many of us felt a little shocked by the CDC’s recommendation to remove our masks. Universally, just 3 months prior, the world had gone through its first Covid winter. The reality of a fatal virus was still very much real. The CDC had been giving guidelines, testing and studying Covid-19, so naturally there was trust that their guidance was sound. But therein lies the confusion. Who were we to believe? Ourselves or something outside of us? Our immediate experiences and feelings (i.e., losing jobs, watching family members and friends suffer, being fearful we might catch it) or an outside larger entity that has greater breadth of knowledge (i.e., telling us the threat is subdued)? One reality was not lining up with the other. Chaos, confusion and feeling lost are also Pisces traits. And with Jupiter, those feelings can magnify.


Once the CDC informed us it was safe to take our masks off, we felt relaxed. There was a feeling that we escaped the the heavy burden of carrying our masks around. Having to remember it when we leave our houses, being watchful and careful for people not wearing them, and feeling scared when we didn’t have them. By telling us we didn’t need them, the CDC let us momentarily escape Covid. Pisces is a sensitive sign that feels burdens heavily. When sadness or pain creep in, Pisces feels it in a heightened way and would much rather not deal with it. The rules and responsibilities feel to Pisces like a dull life. What better way than to pretend it doesn’t exist? When we enter into Jupiter in Pisces, there may be a heightened need to escape. We’ve collectively been living with Covid for 2 years and life feels, in some ways, more full. Jupiter is here to show us it doesn’t have to be. Just be sure to come back to earth at some point!

Jupiter moves into Pisces from January to May and again from October to December of 2022. Take this opportunity to really listen and connect to others. Jupiter in Pisces is here to show us that we can have faith. Practice having confidence that the Universe will provide. What would you do if you finally felt no more struggle? How can you help others with their struggles? Remember empathy and compassion make us feel connected. What would you do with all that support?

Written by: Kristina Martin at The Los Angeles Astrology School


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