The Elements in Astrology: Air Signs

The Elements in Astrology: Air Signs

The Basics:

In Astrology there are 4 major elements; Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Each of the elements has 3 signs from the zodiac connected to it. Within that 3-sign-group is a beginning sign, a middle sign and an end sign. We also could say there is the earliest or the most individuated sign, a middle sign that comes into close contact with another human being and the last sign that is the most evolved/farthest along and is dealing with the public at large. Each sign is dealing with the element in different yet similar ways. When we learn the element we understand how the signs in that element are connected.

Air Signs

For Air, the general principle and focus is outside the physical body and it’s sensations. Each time we encounter an Air sign, we have evolved from an Earth sign. We go from securing our spot in the world and dealing with limitations and responsibilities to becoming more cerebral. We go inside the mind. With the Air element, we want to gain more rationale and perspective by learning and sharing with others. When we find patterns, we find meaning and a way to connect to other people.

First Air Sign: Gemini

Before Gemini comes Taurus, who is learning the pleasures and dangers of the physical realm. Their main concern is gaining a material security against the perils of this earth. After solidifying their ability to exist, comes the need to connect to others. Enter Gemini, who knows connecting to others is another form of security, as forming bonds with people helps our survival. And indeed, good communication brings that bond. Clear, understandable language can connect you to others, can warn you of trouble, can help you better learn how the world works. This is Gemini’s main job, to learn. Gemini’s are the first air sign, so with our “first born” Gemini’s curiosity is a large part of their individuality. Gemini is learning how language and communication really operate. Certain information can get you in trouble, while other information can get you through the door. Gemini’s live through the mind, trying to find patterns and facts. The air element moves freely here, as Gemini’s take in information and blows it right back out. They are the first conduit of information.

Second Air Sign: Libra

Before Libra is Virgo, who is concerned with perfecting and purifying the physical world. They work on maintaining the physical realm in order to secure a better working environment. Next comes Libra, who also wants a better working environment. But Libra finds this through working with other people that can also contribute. More productivity and success comes when two people work together. Think of how much faster your kitchen would get cleaned with 2 people rather than one. Libra is the 7th sign, the halfway point, signifying a shift from a more inner/personal astrological evolution to one that is more outer. Libra’s astrological evolution involves another person, as they embody the Air Element’s famous quality to share and socialize. Libra is encountering the “not self” and therefore, through understanding and relating to others, there comes a higher growth. To listen, learn and work with another is the second Air signs’ main goal. When we relate to others, our dreams may become more realized, our futures solidified and we start a more reflective approach to life.

Third Air Sign: Aquarius

Before Aquarius comes Capricorn, and in this sign, we get perfected matter. We get the most evolved earth, with mastery over the physical world. Capricorn soars to new heights after working long and hard through the physical world’s limits. Aquarius then takes that hard work and wants to apply it towards the patterns it’s noticing in the collective group. Are you a master electrician? Can the community use your skill to make their lives better? Aquarius goes on the hunt to find out. The collective mind has hopes and dreams of a better future. Aquarius’ job is to use their mind and communication skills to find what exactly that better future looks like. They use the Air element to become the conduit of the collective. Using concepts and principles they have learned through the awareness of others, they visualize a higher, more evolved state of the world.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius show us the power the Air Element has. By embodying the qualities of curiosity, sociability, thoughtfulness this element foresees a better future through the mind’s eye. Information is vital for human beings and the Air signs know it. The mind is a powerful tool and without, the world would cease to exist. Indeed, Abraham Lincoln said it best himself:

“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be”.

Written by: Kristina Martin @ The Los Angeles Astrology School


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