New Moon in Aquarius

The Moon

The Moon represents many things in our lives, but above all it encompasses our inner emotional selves. While the Sun is outer expression, the Moon is our inner feeling. If the Sun is the individual and ownership, the moon is our connection to others and the need to feel part of the whole. It represents family, the past and our emotional upbringing. It represents where we feel we “belong”, where we go to for retreat from the dangers of the outer world. It’s where we rest and rejuvenate. It’s our subconscious and those habitual patterns of acting, how we unconsciously react to situations. The Moon also has a “reflective” quality (as it reflects sunlight). How we approach our memories of the past is a type of “reflection” indeed. When we talk about the moon, we talk about the emotion body and feelings that emerge when we face the outer world. Those emotions and feelings are a reflection of what is going on for us, on a deeper level. As we watch the Moon’s cycle through the signs, we inevitability find reflection of latent tensions that need to become externalized through feeling and emotion.

New Moon

Each and every month we get an important alignment between the Sun, Moon and Earth. Because the Moon moves so quickly around the Earth, we regularly experience the ebb and flow of relationship between the Sun and the Moon. From our perspective on earth, each month, or every 30 days, the sun moves forward through the zodiac. At the same time, every 2.5 days the Moon also moves forward through the zodiac. By doing simple math, we find that special moment every month where the Sun and the Moon occupy the same spot in the sky. When the Moon is in front of the Earth and the Sun is behind the Moon. In this moment we get a night where the Moon’s face is taking in no light from the Sun. From our vantage point at night, the Earth is completely devoid of the Sun’s light (on full moon nights- we are still receiving the light from the Sun, just reflected off the moon). During full moons, we get pure, unencumbered, moon energy. But during a new moon it is a great moment to connect into the subconscious. To look inward, and do the reflecting. Find and get in touch with the emotions and feelings surrounding you and your life. The new Moon is a dark time, where we take out energies and relax them, give them wholly back to ourselves and feel centered again. Additionally, the sign of the Moon will give us clues as to what will make us feel centered.

New Moon in Aquarius

As mentioned previously, Aquarius is the last air sign in the zodiac and therefore the air sign most concerned with the ideas and communication of the collective. All air signs like to share and socialize, but Aquarius sees it as a right, and a fundamental pillar for moving society into the future. Aquarius is all about the group and our collective needs and opinions. Naturally this falls into more humanitarian pursuits. Homelessness may not affect each individual, but as a whole, our fellow human brothers and sisters have a need that’s not being met. Climate change is another one. Collectively, we may not all get a tornado rip through our homes, but globally, the environment is degrading for the worse. So when we get the moon moving through this sign, we face those externalized tensions in a more emotional way. Driving through a rich downtown area, to then find large homeless populations, shows us that tension. That experience takes some reflective processing. Where are you in that? Does it bother you? Does it feel equal? What is your idea of brotherhood, friendship and humanitarianism? Haven’t you ever felt like an outsider? What are the eccentric or unique parts of yourself?

These are questions to ponder on the dark night of the moon. It doesn’t just have to be about homelessness or climate change, but rather humanity at large. The moon brings in our ideas of connectivity and inclusiveness. This is a good time to acknowledge the parts of yourself that are unique or “different” in nature. Take this moment and emotionally engage with the idea of brotherhood. When we realign with that, we are using this moon to it’s highest potential.

The new moon in Aquarius is also the celestial herald for Chinese New Year! New beginnings in friendship, community, and social awareness start today! Happy New Year!

Written By: Kristina Martin @ Los Angeles Astrology School


Full Moon in Virgo, 2022


The Elements in Astrology: Air Signs